
I read the postsecret blog every week. Sometimes there is a card that reminds me of the pain of ending a relationship or the empty feeling of being alone. But then there are the cards that grant me the rare glimpse inside the male mind. Cards that show their hurt or deep love. When I come across these secrets, I save them. I look at them, touching upon them like a lucky rabbit’s foot. They remind me that men are not evil or cruel. I realize that there are many amazing men out there, swimming the same seas I am. It allows me to continue holding on to the dream of being with my special someone. Perhaps someone thinks these things about me or will eventually. That fills me with joy and gives me a little faith.

Labels: Men, Postsecret
I check Post Secret every Sunday, too. I teared up when I read the ones this week.
I usually cry over at least one each week. Others tend to make me laugh out loud.
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