Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The lecture

So - I vowed to stop. No more discussions about it, no more tears in front of friends. All the pain would be saved for the privacy of my own home or perhaps the car. I confess that I have a weakness for sad songs (Damn that Elton John). So the roomie and I are sitting in a local Italian restaurant, and she asks how I am. I tell her I don't want to discuss it anymore. "Well, are you thinking about it?" Well, of course, that is all I do. Then the lecture begins. You have to find a guy that appreciates you, and your personality. Which anyone that knows me would say is um, quirky.

I know that she is right. I need a man that understands my love of the push up, padded bra, and appreciates the brown boots. A man that realizes that I love music, not just one type, all of it, anything with a beat and lyrics that make you to stop and think. I love standing in the dark in front of a live band, any band and dancing. No drinking, no flirting, just a pure love of the live music scene. I want someone that knows if I have vanished that I am one of two places, the gym or curled up with a book. I deserve someone that gets my sense of humor. My very odd, very dry sense of humor. A man that knows that I have a strong sense of friendship and would do anything for people that I love, and is thankful for it.


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