Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Birthday showers

My birthday: crawled into the shower and cried. I look out at the landscape of my life and it seems filled with peaks and valleys. I know that I should feel blessed. I have a good family, great friends, a good job, and all those things that make a person's life rich. I spend the day alone, doing things that make me happy. In an attempt to shake off the gloom, I get myself a piece of birthday cake, a huge glass of milk and I settle in front of the television to watch a movie that I love. A movie that makes me laugh out loud - still after 20+ viewings. Then I force myself out of the house. Traveling roads that I love to places that make me smile. I feel peaceful, but sad. After a weekend of quite inner thought I have reached some valuable conclusions. I had given my heart to someone that was careless with it, and to continue to do that is for me to be careless with my heart. I can't allow myself to do that anymore. I can't be the source of my own pain. I realized to that I was mourning a dream that I had lost, but it is still there, it just needs to be recast. I need to find someone that loves, cherishes and respects me. Until then, I love, cherish and respect myself enough not to be sad anymore.

My horoscope confirms it -
Being single is a luxury, because it gives you time to determine what changes you want to make in life. You can transform and rediscover yourself in any way you'd like -- you control your own destiny.


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