
The threads cling to me, pulling my limbs closer to my body constricting my movement, my freedom. Each day I follow a different thread to the center of the web, each one leading into my broken heart. One day it is rejection, one day it is betrayal, and another it is passion. Sometimes the web sparkles in the sun, reflecting all the love and passion that I felt, other days it is dark and gloom barely surviving filled with all the hurt and pain. I try to show my web to other people, to explain why I can’t move on. They no longer want to see or hear about it. They tell me to just move on. I wish that I could. I dream of the days that I can leave the house and not be held back by fear and pain. That the threads would drop away and I would be free. Today might be the day that I sweep the web down and move on. I hope that it is.
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