The Rookie Card

I take out her well worn rookie card. I prepare to add to my ever increasing knowledge of her stats. Her name, age, size, hair color, eye color, occupation or lack thereof are all listed there. The facts of her children and previous marriage detailed upon it. The name that she calls him in a giggling secret sex manner embossed on the front. I rub the edge of the card; the texture penetrates my skin cutting me over and over. I am bewildered as to how I became this girl. The girl that hears of his brilliant new love. I never wanted to be this girl. I can't be this girl. I stare at him across the table. Is he innocently vicious or does he want to punish me for some unknown sin? His words slice at my heart. He speaks of a day when I would be friends with her. The idea of meeting her revolts me. I reach across the table, placing her card in his hands. The stats on my card are far more impressive.
Oh you remind me of how simultaneous ups & downs in love can be....Does that even make any sense?...with absolute horror you can register something Good (like your epiphany) as well. So, I'm the audience member in a Very Scary Movie and you are the ingenue going into the house inhabited by flesh eating zombies, zombies that'll rip the heart right outta it while it's still beating....DON'T GO IN THERE!!!! I want to Scream at you to sever all ties....Who gives a rat's ass if he WANTS to hurt you on purpose or not. The fact of the matter is IT IS hurting you. Don't do that to yourself. Be kind...take care....stay away from flesh/heart eating zombies...far, far away....wouldn't you tell somebody that you care about the same thing? And don't you care about yourself?
You sound exactly like my roommate! She keeps telling me not to answer calls, IMs, emails, nothing. I am supposed to be silent and in military op. I do care about myself, and I am still hanging on to the epiphany.
Your roommate sounds very very smart.
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