What do you drive?

I am officially a snob. Pulling into the parking garage this morning I silent curse the Scion that takes my intended parking spot. Damn Scions always fucking up my mojo. Never driving fast enough, taking the good spots, going straight at the light in the right-hand lane when I want to turn. WAH! I hate these evil little cars. Never before have I had a strong opinion regarding a car. Well, except for my love of beautiful sports cars. But I digress. A luscious man climbs out of the car, dark wave hair, sweater clinging perfectly to sexy body. Purr…. He stares at me as he walks across the parking lot. And what do I do? Avoiding eye contact, all the while thinking dream on, fucking Scion driver.
OK, what's a Scion? Cuz I only know Ferraris and cars like that.
No, seriously...what's a Scion????
I'm not a car lover per say. I just LOOOOOOVE expensive cars but not because they are expensive. I love them because they look so weird! Yes, I have issues. But damn it they look so funky!
Except Mercedes and Jaguars. They are just plain fugly. :-P
Oh wait! There is a non-expensive car that I love but I forget the name. It's a itty bitty car and it's so damn CUUUTE! It makes me all warm and fuzzy and I am all sorts of idiotic when I see one. Kind of like when normal people see babies. :-P
It's the car they used in The Italian Job.
How cute is that car!!!!
Oh - a scion is in expensive and really boxy. Actually I am the same as you. I never actually know car names and what they look like. I juts know these cars because they are forever in the way. I have a picture of one, but could not get blogger to upload it yesterday. Damn blogger!
I do know the cars in the Italian Job - mini coopers. And they are super cute.
Aren't they??? OK, a Scion must not be weird looking or I am sure I would have remembered. LOL. I hate boxy cars. :-)
I'm a total car FREAK. I love cars. Especially sleek, foreign little numbers that go really, really fast. :)
But I'm not a Scion fan, either. And good on you for being a snob. A REAL man wouldn't be driving one of those. LOL
OMG I just saw the pic. That's not weird. That's just ugly! LMFAO. It looks like something a soccer mom would drive.
No offense to soccer moms but yeah, NOT cool. LMAO. :-P
See! The exact reason even a cute male driver would need to be shunned. What guy would drive that thing?
Ones with either a very LARGE penis or ones that are attracted to very Large Penis'.
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