Happy Mother's Day

little Brother, Mom and me (1975)
Though not a mother myself, unless you count an amazingly spectacular dog, and a string of ex-boyfriends. I want to wish everyone a happy Mother's day (just a day late). I find myself, wanting more and more to be a mother. Perhaps it comes with age. I am not quite sure.
Even though she and I have our own special code of behaviour, I love my Mom and hope that she had a wonderful day. I would not wish for any other Mom.
Labels: Holidays
Happy Mutha's day to you 2!
I feel the exact same about my mom...she's the best and all that but I think it would be nice if Angelina Jolie(and Brad!) adopted me...I think she'd be a fun mommy to have.
Hmmm....never thought of that. I do think that Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly would make great moms. Not so much fun, as able to instill you with great manners and class.
But Angelina would be lots of fun and a very hip mom.
Right off the top o' my head
Prince Albert, the wild child Stephanie and the older perfect beautiful daughter I can't remember her name.
Those are Grace Kelly's kids...
I don't know if A. Hepburn had any kids....what a wonderful gentle momma she would be, i think....
Oh YEAH! You just Reminded me!
I wanted Doris Day to be my mom...
que sera, sera. whatever will be will be.....
the future's not ours to see.
que sera, sera. what will be, will be.
Doris Day would be fun - sort of a surfery mom. Just like if Sally Field were really like Giget, I think that she would be great fun.
I don't think that you can count Grace Kelly's kids, because she did while they were young, and I believe that Stephanie was actually there during the accident. I imagine they may have been different if she had lived.
Like Jackie O - her children had great class and style as well.
Did some research - Audrey had two sons and four miscarrages. Her oldest son Sean wrote a book about her called "Audrey Hepburn: An Elegant Spirit."
Oh - and I meant to say Grace Kelly died while they were young....
Hey, those people look familiar. :)
Love ya,
Oh that is so awesome that her son wrote a book with such a title....
Jackie O. was the bomb!
Too bad her hubby was a cheater.
but i've read books on him, too and evidently he couldn't help it.
Jeremy: HEY! I know you. Sneaky little brother. Love you tons....
Changa: Yes, they talked about his womanizing on the website I read.
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