Home again Home again - Jiggety-Jig

It is 1:00 a.m. and I peer from the plane into the night. Below me is home, Texas, welcoming me back. I imagine that the air is cool and crisp as the night should always be, but I know that it will be hot and moist. My sub-tropic home. I begin to miss the one that I always miss. My heart aches, as if finding its own broken beat again. While away, I was too busy to focus on the pain, too excited to dwell in sorrow. Now back in the state that I love, I find myself rushing quickly back to the old ways. As I walk into the airport to gather my luggage, I feel torn, I am an adult - able to navigate strange lands, getting myself to and from the airport without help. But here I am alone, no one to welcome me back. No one to listen to my stores of wild times in sin city. As I drive from the airport, I am overcome with a need to turn back. To buy a one way ticket anywhere. I want to go to a strange hotel and crawl under the covers dreaming of a new life, different from this. Somewhere with salty air. I want to dance in the sand and dream new dreams. Why do vacations have to end......
hey I'm here! I wanna know how it went, dish it! mehehe. I'm going in October and I can't wait! well, I can wait for the plane ride cuz I hate those damn things! lol.
welcome back!
Plan to spend your first day home asleep. I am still exhausted! Oh - Vegas was a blast. I have tons to tell. I was just feeling a bit bratty this morning.
yeah bratfish! we're here, do tell!
LOL! I think that it is exhaustion that made me bratty. Too much fun in too short a time.
No sleep makes a fishy bratty!
Stories of Sin City will be forth coming.
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