Monday, January 29, 2007

Little darling, stir it up

I plunge my hands into the scalding water. I wash clean all the wine glasses and breakfast plates. All traces of egg and chroizo are scrubbed away. I used to dream of doing this to my soul. Plunging into the hot water and arising clean and pure.
Now sitting here curled into the edge of my couch, I am glad, no overjoyed, that I still have my memories. I sit enjoying my wine and Bob Marley. The past protecting me from heartache. Now I understand the twists and turns of love. Those words whispered so carelessly in the dark. I hear them and understand that those words are only true in that very moment. They will not survive the light of day. But I am happy curled here with my wine and song. I am protected and safe. I look in the mirror at who I have become and I feel blessed. I know that the future will hold more moments of scalding water, but I have faith that it will be balanced with wine and song.



At 10:58 AM, Blogger changapeluda said...

What a lovely song you're singin' Little Fishy!

It reminds me of a sphinx.
and syncopation....Bob Marly style.
w/a country twang and a Latin


At 11:20 AM, Blogger Beta Fishy said...

There you go - little ol' me happily embracing it all.

Hope you are feeling better - that the DayQuil did its job.....

At 5:52 PM, Blogger changapeluda said...

Boy it did it's job alright, g'night!


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