Thursday, February 02, 2006

Habitat for Humanity

Saturday morning, I am on a roof - hammering away, when I spot a woman that is totally HIS type, brown hair, large and curvy with a pretty smile. Not the type that he thinks is his type, but the type that I see him with. The type that if they were out together people would think they were a cute couple, that they matched. I used to be curvy, but I will not be any more. Now I want my outside to match my inside. Inside I am broken, I feel like my heart is in sharp pieces. Sometimes it hurts to simply breathe. I want to be like that outside, I want to be sharp and angular, no curves. The planes of my face should be hollow, cheekbones high and eyes larger. Already I see this in my face, the angles, reflecting my soul. I wanted to ask her if she were single, but I could not.


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