Sweaty and shoe clad - what has my life become...

It is Monday evening, and I have just finished another hour of spin class. I leave praying that all the sweat means that I am currently in the negative regarding calories for the day. We all have dreams*. I leave the gym, decked out in, well, gym fashion. Ponytail, tennis shoes, yoga pants, you get the picture. Now I have an hour left in my evening to race to the mall to purchase a gift for a friend's birthday that is today. The dilemma you ask? I can't stand tennis shoes. It is perfectly acceptable to wear them to the gym, or when you are engaging in other sports like activities, but I hate when people wear them out and about. I would rather see people wearing $1.00 flip flops then gross old sneakers. It is my weirdness - yes. But I am okay with that. Now back to the dilemma. I don't have time to go home and change. I rush to the mall - sweaty and shoe clad. Parking as close to the entrance as possible, I rush straight to the department in need, and begin the search. All the time, I say silent prayers to God to please, please protect my sweaty, shoe wearing visage from people that I know. I grab a shirt and head to a slightly cute *sigh* service guy. I pay and bolt (rather quickly given my footwear), thankful that not a soul has seen me. See church before table dancing was a good thing. So the present will be presented, and if not viewed in the appropriate light, (i.e., I wore SNEAKERS to the mall) I will be a very unhappy girl, with a new shirt.
* And since it is my blog, I get to voice mine.
I am bored and have nothing to say - did you get that?
I understand your disdain for the tennis shoe, however, I have to say that socks with sandals has got to be foot fashion's worst enemy.
GASP! I agree that is foot fashion's worst enemy. I tend to block - so I like to think that such things do not happen in the world.
Eww! Socks and Sandals IS the worst!
It doesn't bother me in the slightest when I see OTHER people in sneakers, but I hate them myself. I can't stand to wear REAL shoes (i.e. sneakers) in public. YUCK!
I feel your pain!
I got it....
LOL! Don't you hate when you are bored but have nothing to write about? Sounded crankier than I meant.
A bad guy thing....
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