Thursday Thirteen

Thursday Thirteen, a quick and easy way to get to know a little more about this little Texas girl, stolen from a little California girl…
Thirteen things that currently make me blissfully happy:
1. Boys that wear glasses
2. My snuggly rain-soaked puppy
3. Lemon slices in my ice water (this is harder than I thought)
4. The fact that it did not storm all day long (surprise, surprise)
5. Working air conditioning in my car
6. Being released from my apartment lease
7. Moving (okay, not really but I am trying here)
8. Knocked Up (Seriously, it is hilarious)
9. My new purple sunglasses (Not sure why I need them)
10. Did I mention boys in glasses? Seriously. Very. Cute.
11. Yoga pants
12. Irish breakfast tea
13. Glasses. Boys. Who knew…
Thirteen things that currently make me blissfully happy:
1. Boys that wear glasses
2. My snuggly rain-soaked puppy
3. Lemon slices in my ice water (this is harder than I thought)
4. The fact that it did not storm all day long (surprise, surprise)
5. Working air conditioning in my car
6. Being released from my apartment lease
7. Moving (okay, not really but I am trying here)
8. Knocked Up (Seriously, it is hilarious)
9. My new purple sunglasses (Not sure why I need them)
10. Did I mention boys in glasses? Seriously. Very. Cute.
11. Yoga pants
12. Irish breakfast tea
13. Glasses. Boys. Who knew…
Labels: Thursdays
I think boys in glasses are very sexy, too. MM wears glasses (when he doesn't have his contacts in) and it's hawt. :P
I'm glad you're finding things to be happy about. And YAY about your lease!
Hope you're keeping dry.
OK, so you have a glasses fetish. We all have our quirks. LOL.
I like boys in shades myself! Oh and eyeline is hawt as well.
Do tell us about the move! Pics of the new place would be great.
I gotta show Ruby your
pin-uppage...and Nice 13!
and i gotta disagree about the glasses thing only because i'm scarred for LIFE by a married asshole who had glasses that made him all googly and magnified.
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