
A Texas girl trying to navigate the rough waters of love, life and relationships.
There are songs that move me to tears, this is one of those songs that you wish somebody would sing to you or for you.....
This is my current theme song - lovely song by Duncan Shiek, Barely Breathing -
I look at you with eyes filled with love and hope; my heart sings and I want to dance and hold you and say "can I be yours?"
Carefully I build a pedestal, adding to it day by day - allowing you to climb to the top, higher and higher. I think of your blue eyes, your dimple, your boyish good looks, and I continue to build. You do things that men should not do to their loved ones, but the pedestal is tall and it is hard to see your faults. Then she climbs on to the pedestal. Her weight is too much for the structure built so carefully with love. It begins to collapse, taking with it all my love and affection. Surely this pain will have to end. Eventually I am numb the only pain that I feel is the splinters in my hand as I destroy the rest of the pedestal.
A different man, I sigh
Webster's word of the day - skulk \SKULK\ verb 1 : to move in a stealthy or furtive manner 2 *a : to hide or conceal something (as oneself) often out of cowardice or fear or with sinister intent b chiefly British : malinger
Beta phishy, perhaps you are thinking why? Well, as I previously noted I am a Pisces. Prone to some of those moody things that those borne in late February - early March are given to. When I do something highly dramatic or overly emotional, my roommate would chasten me and in my defense, I would plead pisces. The argument became "I have a beta fish in me and that I need to attack." Hence the name....with a hippy twist.
I heard a song on the radio this morning and just loved the lyrics of it - just amazingly beautiful - here is just a tiny part of it....
I recently attended a seminar, and was profoundly touched by the topic of the speech/discussion. It was about gruges, the power that you give people over you and healing. The shocking thing is several people have said that they found it absolutely irrelevant. I want to understanding why it meant so much to me and not others. I am 1.8 years out of the worst relationship ever (dramatic, huh?)! I was in a classic abusive cheating relationship. There are a lot of hateful feelings still there.
Today I was thinking of love and things that I love - so I thought that I would begin a random list of things that make me happy.....