Friday, May 25, 2007

Friday's child

Giving you a way to test your lyrical skills.

And a wish that everyone enjoys their holiday weekend.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Great Escape -

One of my bosses has just called the office granting me permission to leave. Actually he just told me to go home. So why do I feel guilty about leaving? Why am I still here? I don't recall a sharp blow to head this morning.

(thinking quietly for a moment)

Okay the guilt has subsided. I thinking I can handle sneaking out. Wish me luck....


Monday, May 21, 2007

An open letter to my DVR....

Oh precious DVR, you have been a wonderful addition to my life. You record shows when I am too busy. You wait, patiently paused, if I need to go out during a crucial plot moment. You protect my favorite Austin City Limits for repeated viewing. But you have really disappointed me. I never thought that you would betray me in this manner. I rush home to you, eagerly running my fingers along your little buttons. I am filled with joy as the list menu pops up on the screen. And then, the cruelty of your actions settles in my heart. You refused to do a simple task that I requested of you. A meager 30 minutes of your time, that was all that was required. Just record my favorite cartoon, Hong Kong Phooey. But did you do this for me? No. No. No. Selfish. Blah. I just hope that you can make this up to me. Perhaps recording a Psych marathon would help.....

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Friday, May 18, 2007

Friday's Child

Giving you something to thing about....


Houston Transformer Explosion

Yesterday afternoon, a transformer exploded near the office. I don't think that it was because I prayed repeatedly to go home after lunch. I mean, seriously, this has never worked before. But yesterday prayers were answered, we were evacuated, due to a lack of electricity. And I was just returning from lunch, thus in the parking garage. So I was spared the 23 flights of stairs to freedom. I thought of blogging upon my arrival home in the middle of the day! Woo hoo! But decided that reruns of Northern Exposure sounded a wee bit more exciting. That and an afternoon nap. I mean seriously how amazing is that? Prayers being answered, I tell you.
Now in hindsight, I hope that it was someone else's prayers that were being answered. Because I can think of at least 10 other prayers that I would rather have answered. Even the rather generic raining vodka would have been better.
And as for the picture - I searched for photos of the transformer explosion, but this seemed so much more fun. Don't you just love giant transformers?

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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I need....

a date. I want to go the Roller Derby, I mean I really, really want to go to the Roller Derby. But I don't want to go alone. Anyone want to come along?


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Very Merry Unbirthday


Strange Little Fishy

I wish for a brain. I went searching over old posts so that I could send out some birthday love. I rushed along and found a picture of the Wizard of Oz and a happy birthday note. So just being blonde little me, I thought *eureka* I have found the date. Turns out that I was wishing Changa a happy birthday on the day that L. Frank Baum was born. Sigh....

Well, happy un-birthday to you just the same, or you could just celebrate until June 6 (fingers crossed I am right this time).

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Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my favorite fearless day trippin' adventurer. I hope your day is filled with hugs, kisses and rainbows. But most of all I hope that you avoid the haunted forest.
Big hugs and birthday kisses to you way out there in California.


Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

little Brother, Mom and me (1975)

Though not a mother myself, unless you count an amazingly spectacular dog, and a string of ex-boyfriends. I want to wish everyone a happy Mother's day (just a day late). I find myself, wanting more and more to be a mother. Perhaps it comes with age. I am not quite sure.
Even though she and I have our own special code of behaviour, I love my Mom and hope that she had a wonderful day. I would not wish for any other Mom.


Friday, May 11, 2007

Day Trippin'

I have been invited on an adventure. So I have found my trusty map, and I am setting out for the California shore. At least in my mind. Here in the Lone Star state, the water is falling from the sky, not lapping gently at my toes. But in my mind, I am running along the beach with the birds circling over head. And from what I can tell, the birds in Cali have magical writing skills, or at least the ability to leave their mark at the end of a pier.

So this little Friday's child is giving you wishes for a life filled with adventure, or at least some day trippin friends to share a dream with.

Thanks Changa for being the inspiration for this little post.


Friday, May 04, 2007

Friday's Child

I have been oddly sad all week. I can't quite put my finger on it. One second I am happy and the next I am fighting back tears. I guess I have a few little issues that are plaguing my mind. I am working hard to come to terms with things and move on to all the happiness and smiles that I promised myself for this year.

This weekend my sweet semi-sister/ex-roomie is coming to town for a visit. I have not seen her since she followed her heart all the way to Colorado. I can't wait to give her huge hugs and dance under the big ol' Texas starry sky.

So my Friday child giving to all my mini-tribe is hugs and dancing with the ones that you love.

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Thursday, May 03, 2007

Change of professions

I am dreaming of a change of professions. No longer an assistant, but a super hero instead. But perhaps my current job would run smoother if I wore this little number to the office.


Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Insanity calls

A temp is sitting at the other desk in my cubicle. She is a healthy woman and the chair creaks and groans with every single movement. Every breath is punctuated with a creak.
So today I will sit with my headphones on listening to Led Zeppelin and think evil thoughts. Hmmmm.....I guess it could be worse.
