Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Dreaming of....

A new job. One where I can spend the day relaxing by the pool without an attorney in sight.


Friday, June 22, 2007

Going for Ten...

I decided to go for ten romantic songs. I keep thinking of more and more.....

So here are my next three....

8. Joss Stone “Jet Lag” I think that she has the sweetest voice.

9. G. Love “Booty Call” Everyone loves a booty call. I have this as a ring tone on my phone.

10. Jack Johnson “Sitting, Waiting, Wishing” One of my secret crushes.


Friday's Child giving you....

poetry for my little tribe....

I love thee, I love but thee
With a love that shall not die
Till the sun grows cold
And the stars grow old.
~ by Willam Shakespeare

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Thursday, June 21, 2007

Songs of Love

Holly tagged me to list seven songs that are on my current play list. She listed her wedding song play list and I thought I would continue the romance theme. These are seven songs that remind me of love and of the boy.

1. Aqualung “Better than Sunshine” I first heard this song in the movie "A Lot like Love". It makes me cry every time I hear it. Yes, I am a bit silly at times.

2. Garbage “#1 Crush” Exactly how love makes me feel.

3. Amy Winehouse “Stronger than Me” I love Amy Winehouse, and this song is just so - good girl with a bad guy - I love it.

4. Frank Sinatra “Fly Me to the Moon” This song reminds me of jazzy clubs at night, dark and cold. Ice clinking in a glass and sexy men in tuxes. The most perfect little song.

5. Bjork “It’s Oh So Quite” Big band sounds. I will play this song over and over in my car, singing along and dancing like a loon. Isn't this just the way love hits you? BAM!

6. Elysian Fields “Diamonds All Day” The boy loves this band, and this song reminds me of him.

7. Dave Mathews “Two Step” The lyrics of this song make my heart skip a beat. So sweet and romantic.

I am never good at tagging others. Anyone who wants to play, just let me know.

P. S. I stole the idea of including the videos from Holly.


Question of Etiquette

Is "bite me, muther fu*er" an appropriate response to your boss when he says "good job, good job"?


Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Light a candle and say a little prayer for me.....

Well my turn of bad luck continues. Cruising to lunch today, music playing and air conditioner blowing away, suddenly my car dies. I try to no avail to get it started. Finally, I surrender to the inevitable. I push it, with a great deal of assistance from a couple of friends, to the mechanic down the street. I guess I am luck that there was a repair shop with in pushing distance. However, after last week I am not feeling so lucky.

Changa lit a candle for me and said a prayer. It is wonderful, and I feel blessed. However, I think that I just might need a bonfire. Anyone want to join me in a prayer circle around the flaming husk of my car?


Saturday, June 16, 2007

A Little Peace...

I am feeling better today. Perhaps casting my troubles out on the web helped. Dreaming of Bishop, all snuggly and sweet was a bittersweet reminder that he will always be with me. My Woobie - a great protector in the shadows.

Spending the day relaxing, grilling outside (in the rain) and listening to Coldplay as I cook and dance around the kitchen helped.


Friday, June 15, 2007

Friday's Child

(photo is of New Orleans during the hurricane, but it seems about right to me.)

giving you salty tears. It has been a bad week. Usually I try not to share too much of my drama. I have been accused in the past of trying to solicit pity. But this week has just been a series of bad events.

I stop to get gas. Pay, pump, and jump in the car. Slide my key in the ignition and nothing. Just silence. I wait. Say a silent prayer and then turn the key again. Nothing. I curse. Foul words pouring from my mouth as I dig for my cell phone. Luckily a quick call to the boy produces results. He comes and helps me get the car moving. Following day and several dollars later, it is working again.

Next, I spent the day at the mechanics’, finally making it into work several hours late. Drive home in my newly repaired car, in the pouring rain. Praying through several flooded streets that my car would make it home. I get home and find that my – wait for it – entire apartment is flooded. Ankle deep water covers the entire place. I make another frantic call and secure a wet vac. 30+ gallons of water, several hours with a broom and towels, and I manage to empty all the water out. Luckily just a pile of paperbacks and a picture of me as a teenager in New Orleans is all that is lost.

Lastly, this morning my sweet Great Dane, Bishop had to be put to sleep. Words seem to fail me at this point. And no one is coming to save the day.

Hopefully that is my three bad things, and I will move on to happier times.

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Thursday, June 07, 2007

Horoscopes: Send your lovin' my way....

"In Iceland today, the nine Wave Maidens are honored -- perfect for this Pisces moon day. According to Norse myth, the maidens live at the bottom of the sea, bringing harmony to the cyclic ups and downs of life. Hug a Pisces person today! Thank them for helping you go with the flow. " Stolen from the Houston Chronicle, no shame in this game....

I am volunteering my services as a pisces, I could use a hug anyway.

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Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Happy Birthday

Whew, it has been very hectic around here. But I wanted to wish Changa a happy birthday, this time on the right date!
Happy Birthday Changa. Make a wish and blow out your candles.


Monday, June 04, 2007

A Pirate's Life for Me......

I went to see Treasure Island this Saturday. Then I climbed into a bottle of rum, and am still waiting for the world to stop rocking. Argh!

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Friday, June 01, 2007

Friday's Child

I am a fishy giving you insights into my secret little life. I have a boy (nickname to follow) in my life, well actually it has been a while, but I have kept it very hush hush around here. I promise to explain why later.
Do any of you have to sneak around at work to actually work? I have to sneak around to help another secretary who is very busy. Insane? Yes, I agree. So, I am sneaking off to do more work. With love......

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