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1. Dated outside your race?
Guilty, so very guilty.
2. Singing in the shower?
Guilty, I especially love to sing Que Sera Sera.
3. Spit in someone's drink?
Not Guilty, but I did get chips out of the trash once when I was a waitress.
4. Played with Barbies?
Guilty, my boyfriend was always Han Solo *sigh*.
5. Made someone cry?
Guilty, but he deserved it.
6. Opened your Christmas presents early?
7. Lied to a friend?
Guilty, I am actually rather bad at this, not bad at lying, but bad about lying too much.
8. Watched and cried while watching a soap opera?
Guilty, though I have not watched soaps since high school, but I cried during Grey’s Anatomy last week.
9. Played a computer game for more than 5 hours?
Not Guilty.
10. Ran through the sprinklers naked?
Not guilty, sex in a swimming pool yes, sprinklers naked no.
11. Ate food that fell on the floor?
Guilty, as we told the campers when I was a camp counselor, “God made dirt, dirt don’t hurt.”
12. Went outside naked?
13. Been on stage?
14. Been on stage naked or close to it?
Not guilty.
15. Been in a parade?
Guilty, I was in band in high school.
16. Been in a school play?
Not guilty, though I lie, I can’t act.
17. Drank beer?
Oh – please, guilty.
18. Gotten detention?
Guilty, I loved to sneak off campus when I was a senior.
19. Been on a plane?
20. Been on a cruise?
Not guilty, sadly.
21. Broken into a house?
Guilty (but it was my house).
22. Gotten a tattoo?
Guilty, but just one.
23. Gotten piercings?
Guilty, but just my ears.
24. Gotten into a fist fight?
Not guilty.
25. Gotten into a shouting match?
Guilty, men suck.
26. Swallowed sea/pool water?
27. Spun yourself in circles to get dizzy on purpose?
Guilty, it is great to be a kid.
28. Laughed so hard it hurt?
Guilty. I just love to laugh.
29. Tripped on your own feet?
Guilty. I can be clumsy. Interestingly enough, my parents debated electronic versus non-electronic French press for a gift. When it was discussed that non-electronic would require their daughter to carry boiling water around, electric was purchased.
30. Cried yourself to sleep?
Guilty, again, men suck.
31. Cried in public?
Guilty, *sigh* sometimes life can be rough.
32. Thrown up in public?
Guilty, you see I once ruined Christmas. That required in part, me tossing it at a gas station, on the side of the highway, and in a hotel parking lot.
33. Lied to your parents?
Guilty, but sometimes it just makes things easier.
34. Skipped class?
35. Cried so hard you threw up?
Guilty, (grumbling) damn, men…