Dreaming of....

Labels: Dreams
A Texas girl trying to navigate the rough waters of love, life and relationships.
Labels: Dreams
I decided to go for ten romantic songs. I keep thinking of more and more.....
Labels: Romance
Labels: Friday's Child, Poetry, Romance
Labels: Tagged
Labels: Work
Well my turn of bad luck continues. Cruising to lunch today, music playing and air conditioner blowing away, suddenly my car dies. I try to no avail to get it started. Finally, I surrender to the inevitable. I push it, with a great deal of assistance from a couple of friends, to the mechanic down the street. I guess I am luck that there was a repair shop with in pushing distance. However, after last week I am not feeling so lucky.
Changa lit a candle for me and said a prayer. It is wonderful, and I feel blessed. However, I think that I just might need a bonfire. Anyone want to join me in a prayer circle around the flaming husk of my car?
Labels: bad luck
I am feeling better today. Perhaps casting my troubles out on the web helped. Dreaming of Bishop, all snuggly and sweet was a bittersweet reminder that he will always be with me. My Woobie - a great protector in the shadows.
Labels: Dreams
giving you salty tears. It has been a bad week. Usually I try not to share too much of my drama. I have been accused in the past of trying to solicit pity. But this week has just been a series of bad events.
Labels: Friday's Child, Private person, Sadness
"In Iceland today, the nine Wave Maidens are honored -- perfect for this Pisces moon day. According to Norse myth, the maidens live at the bottom of the sea, bringing harmony to the cyclic ups and downs of life. Hug a Pisces person today! Thank them for helping you go with the flow. " Stolen from the Houston Chronicle, no shame in this game....
I am volunteering my services as a pisces, I could use a hug anyway.
Labels: Been caught stealing, Horoscope, Strange little fishy
Labels: Holidays
Labels: Buckeye, Friday's Child