Ah, the weekend, at times a painful and sad experience. It is always odd to me the peaks and valleys of my life.
Thursday, I was to attend a concert with my roommate, but she feel asleep on me. I would normally have just stayed home because of it, but I am determined to be more outgoing, I got in the car and went alone. I missed most of it, but did get to experience a few songs. Then I headed over to a local pub and had a drink. All alone like a big girl. When I walked in the door, a guy at the bar asked to see my id. I was sort of surprised, as I have not been a minor in MANY years, and he did not really look like a bouncer and I never saw him ask anyone else for their id. So, I asked him if he did that just to messy with me, and he laughed and assured me that no - I look really young. Note to self: pick up more of that new moisturizer.
Friday: Horrible day. I was hit with a wave of nostalgia. I wanted to stay in and cry, but instead, I purchased a tiny new white and green dress; then forced myself out the door. I did get high marks on the dress at dinner, but that could be because of the restaurant. Some how on St. Pat's day, I ended up at a Mexican restaurant that is loved by the gay male. Very strange. But as I said previously, the dress was a hit. Then it was a night of Irish beer and song. It was the perfect holiday for the way that I was feeling. I missed him more on Friday then I have missed him since the very end of the relationship.